Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Blog#4 Stop Violence against women

“Ending Violence Against Women”

For this blog I have decided to choose the option two the article that talking about “Ending Violence Against Women” since this topic has always appeal me, I decided to read the article and watch the video. Both options the article and the video were unfortunate with all the estimation rates that been estimated among women globally.  I will be talking about the article which spoke about the various forms of violence against women globally.
 The estimation rate is very unfortunate because seeing that higher rates of women that been physical or sexual intimate partner violence or sexual violence by a non-partner (not including sexual harassment) at some point in their lives. According to the article is up than 70% of women been women have experienced physical or sexual violence from an intimate partner in their lifetime. Evidence shows that women who have experienced physical or sexual intimate partner violence report higher rates of depression, having an abortion and acquiring HIV, compared to women who have not. (www.unwomen.org, ending-violence-against-women).
The statement is very hard to think or even believe that it’s still higher rate of women in the world who still struggling from the violence in the world, especially the Middle East countries and North Africa. I believe that the higher number still estimated increasing cases and in the peak rates due to most of these cases never been reported. The Article also was given very good example of the reason why some regions or some countries in the world witnessing the higher rates than the other countries because in Lebanon the likelihood of perpetrating physical violence was more than three times higher among men who had witnessed their fathers beating their mothers during childhood than those who did not.   
  Violence against women in general is a grave violation of human rights. Its impact ranges from immediate to long-term multiple physical, sexual and mental consequences for women for their career and future and contribute women’s death.
 The violence is not affected women’s bodies physically or mentally but will affect a whole entire society and the future of the society too, because will impact on families and may destroy family and children. All women have the right to live in free from any sort of violence and limit all the higher rate cases to be lower or even disappeared globally by educating women to call for their human rights and improve the quality of life.
The article put the light on the violence against women and the inequality among women. In order to improve the quality of women’s life and to decrease the higher estimation of violence that been estimated and recorded against women. I Know there is so many organizations that calling for women rights and each woman should live free from violence but I believe it should be plans that enforce with governments to develop the regulations and strengthening coordination to encourage women to report violence cases against them and they have the power to improve the their quality of life and live in the society where have free violence to live in.  


1 comment:

  1. It is very saddening to know that woman are still subjected to forms of violence. This is something that is hard to understand due to another human willingly harming their own kind. I agree with what you stated about the government should enforce something to help with this issue. No one should undergo mental or physical abuse, but unfortunately it can be ingrained into young children if they witness a parent partaking in the violence. I hope one day this chain can be broken, and there will be a voice for those too scared to come forward for help.
