Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Women and Menopause in India


Women and Menopause in India

I decided to choose option number four and talking about menopause that women experience in India.
            Many women will experience menopause changes prior in their last "perimenopause". The menopause age will not affect by age of woman or pregnancy or even taking birth control medication. Many studies showed that women who smokes at the early stages of their life will experience menopause two years earlier than women who don’t smoke. The ages that women experience the menopause between age 46 and above.
There is a great variation in experiences women menopause in the world. Women will have many common biologically and physically changes due to the changes in hormone’s fluctuations in estrogen that women can experience during that time.  
According to the articles (health issue menopause,2012.) that I read about menopause changes that women can have in India, there is different health issues in menopause in India. The issues seemed to be different from one area to another and that’s due the level of education and health care accessibility in these areas. In addition, women hesitated to talk about it or even refused to go to the clinic to do the normal yearly checkup. For example, in Delhi even the level of education is not too bad in these areas, but it seems to be an issue there also.
The articles focused on women’s perspectives, the majority of women in India specifically in North India experienced in the region. Education is very important factor to understand the changes and who to deal with all upcoming changes women need to have and how to balance the lifestyle. Biologically speaking and according to the article women need to increase the Calcium intake because women will have “Osteopenia” which is the weakness in bones. Therefore; increasing the Calcium is very significant. In India and due to the religious aspect women seems to be suffering from the Thyroid and Hypothyroid disorder.
As conclusion, it is very normal to see different perspectives that some women have, due to many factors one of them cultural background, religion views and the type of lifestyle. It is very necessary to encourage women to have health screening with nutritional supplementation, exercise, adequate sunshine and sleep time can be emphasized in all menopausal women.

References: -
Mahajan N, Aggarwal M, Bagga A. Health issues of menopausal women in North India. J Midlife Health. 2012.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Women World Wide


        One thing I wasn’t sure about until I read and search the materials that  more than 2/3 women in the world is illiterate didn’t receive enough education. Education, schools and learning is very essential for women’s life and for society to reduce the violence and any other problems in the society. Unfortunately, still higher percentage of women in the world didn’t get their opportunity to receive enough education especially in Third World countries lack to any sources of education.

            The accomplishment that I admired in women is the existence of women in politics and women’s development. Women can exist anywhere in the world not only at home to rise children. We can find women practice in politics, business almost anywhere in the world. Although there is some unfair and inequality towards women which can make a lot of pressure foe women to improve themselves and emphasis on their existence in the society.

            My opinion about global women’s health now, and according to the information and materials that I read I feel there still lack of education and access to the health care, I believe women still need to go long way to improve themselves to the world especially in Third World countries . For example, more than 50% of women still affected in chronic diseases like HIV. I believe most of chronic diseases still need more attention to reduce the number of the  cases in parts of the world.
Inam Al-Ibrahim.  


Hi Everyone,
My name is Inam Al-Ibrahim, I’m health studies major Public Health student at TWU in Denton, Tx. I’m a mother I have four years son and I also expecting baby girl coming up on October 2019. Little about my background I’m senior cultural adviser with US Army since 2004. I worked with military especially with army and travel with them almost everywhere, therefore I been in different unexpected countries, cities around the world. Honestly although my job is very tough and hard for women but when I’m think about it I feel very grateful to be around heroes living and sharing stories with them. 
 I find the topics health and sciences are very interesting to me since I was in higher school student. I took so many science classes especially biology because Anatomy and sciences in general are very fun to learn. My future/goal is to graduate and continue in grades school to get my Master’s and PHD in health studies. I love to work in health care sitting because I love to be surrounded with people and making friends.
Thinking about women’s health in general specifically women’s physiology is very fascinating. Simply women’s body can go through so many changing during woman’s life. When I look to different cultures, I haven exposed due to my work before or even right now I can see the diversity of views towards women’s role in society now. Cultures beliefs, traditions and people’s background all these factors may build a good barrier against woman’s success especially if we talk about immigrant women or women overseas. My point is that women can be affected by cultural beliefs and social opinions so easily. Women can represent the essential factor of life. For years, women have been proven that they are not only a tool for bringing up children, but they are one of the beneficial sources in society. I feel so empowered when I see women in different spots of the society. I know is very hard task in a woman to be in the society where men have the majority of it like military but at the same time, we had proven for so many years that we can be any where in the world. We can be a great mothers and wives, businesswomen, professors, doctors, nurses and political ranks. I hope in the future women in everywhere will take care of their health and hopefully the world will protect and respect woman’s roles and views with open-minded not just in Unites States but in whole world.