Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sustainable Development Goals In Africa Blog #6

         country on the Atlantic coast of Africa. Mauritania forms a geographic and cultural bridge between the North African Maghrib (a region that also includes Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia) and the westernmost portion of Sub-Saharan Africa. Back in 1960, Mauritania was administered as a French colony during the first half of the 20th century and became independent on November 28 of 1960.

 Poverty issue in Mauritania

          The people of Mauritania are constantly battling poverty. Over the years, Mauritania has grown more fragile as droughts and food shortages have endangered the survival of its people. However, there have been and continue to be governmental initiatives, as well as efforts made by humanitarian organizations, to give Mauritania a brighter future.

         The shortages of food and water are the most detrimental obstacles in trying to alleviate poverty in Mauritania. In 2011, Mauritania was extensively affected by a severe drought that led to a steep increase in food prices, unsuccessful farming and a startling loss of livestock. This resulted in a food shortage, leaving 700,000 people during a food crisis, as of 2012.

         The SDG implemented in Mauritania by the Government of Mauritania undertook a Rapid Integrated Assessment with UN support to inform its new Strategy of Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity for 2016–2030. The assessment will inform the formulation of the new strategy, which marks a transition from 15 years of implementing a strategy and policy focused on poverty reduction, to the formulation of a new, ambitious development strategy through to 2030. (UN,2019)

          In addition, the SDG monitors the Ministry of Economy and Finances provided SDG-related training to the new strategy’s technical team, using UN tools and modules. This training focused on the challenges of integrating the SDGs into national plans, with attention to cross-cutting elements, data and accountability. (UN,2019)

Geography and Climate

Geography and Climate: Only 0.5% of Mauritania’s land a little over 1 million square kilometers is suited for agriculture, but a majority of Mauritanians still depend on agricultural subsistence or raising livestock. Food insecurity is a severe problem due to incessant cycles of drought and erosion; such cycles were severe enough to force nomadic Mauritanians to the main cities in the 1970s and 80s. Because of Mauritania’s placement against the Atlantic Ocean and prevailing winds, the country is afflicted by intense dust storms at times. (UNDP, poverty in Mauritania,2019)

Tools To Help

Since the poverty is still prior issue in Mauritania, the context of the UNCT, UNDP supported the Ministry for the Economy and Finances to convene partners for example from NGOs, the private sector, other ministries and government agencies to discuss the implementation of the SDGs in Mauritania. UNDP also supported a national workshop to provide the tools and the methodology for mainstreaming the SDGs into Mauritania’s new strategy. (UN,2019).


An awareness-raising workshop took place in May 2016 to explain the global SDG formulation processed the future mainstreaming of the SDGs into Mauritania’s new strategy.The a new strategy helps  Mauritania as country and populations to stand up to overcome the crisis of poverty.
 The event brought together multiple government departments and the private sector.For example, the Employers Association and the Chamber of Commerce), civil society (e.g. Platform of Non-State Actors, Organization for the Defense of the Disabled, Observatory of Organizations for Human Rights. All these organizations have one goal is to decrease the ratio of poverty in  Mauritania and help the population to live better quality of life. 


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