Sunday, October 20, 2019



         Uganda located in East Africa; the population of Uganda is about 30 million people. Uganda is same size of UK. Uganda was relatively independent from UK 1962.  The people of Uganda suffered from misrule of UK until 1986, left hundreds of thousands of its people dead and its economy severely damaged.
Poverty is considered one of the biggest issues in the country and is about 50% of the population is aged 14 years old or younger and life expectancy is around 54 years. 
         Uganda continues to be one of the poorest countries in the world with substandard health care, high rates of malnutrition and diseases such as malaria rampant, assisted by less than half of those living in Uganda having access to safe drinking water.
        The country is trying extremely hard to use all the sources to get ride of the poverty and use the available sources and population to get the country in outstanding level.   In about 80% of people in Uganda are engaged in agriculture where coffee, tea, cotton, tobacco and beef, these are the most agricultural sources and the most important products in the country. 
         The main products with coffee being the country's main export. Its other main exports are fish, tea, gold and cotton.
Furthermore, with all the important products and the usage of the of agricultural sources to get the country out of the poverty, but Uganda continues to be one of the poorest countries in the world with substandard health care, high rates of malnutrition.

             Recent events in Uganda ,  oil discoveries are likely to boost the economy further however Uganda borders on the newly established Republic of South Sudan and the potential for instability there particularly if north Sudan switches off South Sudan's oil pipelines that run through its territory make cause an influx of refugees in a country that that already provides shelter for 215,000 Sudan refugees alongside 28,000 refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo and a further 24,00 refugees from neighboring Rwanda.

      Uganda and sub-Saharan Africa are considered the most poorest countries in the world and below the Human Development Index explain the border line of poverty for these African Countries.



            Murcia, B. A. (2019, October 13). Uganda : How is the implementation of the sustainable       development goals is going in Uganda?

1 comment:

  1. I think you did a great job on your post. I was shocked at the fact that the life expectancy in this area is so low. With it only being 54 years old that means that most of the population is very young. You also mentioned that 50% of the population is 14 years old and younger. This probably means that kids this age are often in charge of themselves and probably even kids who are younger than them. I think it is important that we acknowledge the issues like these and we help out in any way that we can. You mentioned that there were recent discoveries of oil. This could help the economy greatly and could greatly help the quality of life of the people living in this area. In your lost you talk about how 80% of the population works in agriculture mainly in coffee. This is beneficial because they are main manufacturers of coffee and it is giving them job opportunities where they need it.
