Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Sustainable Development Goals/ Blog #4

Ghana and Poverty 

            For this week Blog, I focused another country who suffers from poverty, and poverty issue is still the main issue in the country. Ghana was the first country in Sub-Saharan Africa has noticed the poverty, and met the Millennium Development Goal number one. The situation of deep poverty remains in most rural areas, especially in the three northern regions. In urban areas, where poverty incidence has seen some substantial decline, greater disparities and inequalities are being noticed also in the country .
       Talking about poverty.In Ghana the poverty is still number one issue in the country. However; the country is depending on the agriculture to improve the economy, but the the poverty issue is still in the high ratio in many areas in the region.  

           Poverty has many dimensions which can be caused so many  negative outcomes and consequences in the country, include lack of education, low productivity of work, low income, social exclusion, and high vulnerability of certain populations to disasters and diseases. Poverty is detrimental, and if nothing is done to overcome poverty, we will continue to suffer its impact on economic growth and social cohesion, political and social tensions, and, in some circumstances, instability and conflicts.

Things getting better in Ghana

            Although with all the negative consequence that caused by the poverty in Ghana .The agriculture still remains a major part of the economy in Ghana.  Ghana’s agriculture is dominated  most of the populations in the country. The most of  populations are practicing agricultural jobs including working in the farms daily. 
          The  low-level technology and productivity, and un-competitiveness may affect the products and the quality of the products . The small-scale farmer who practices rain-fed agriculture, applies little or no fertilizer, and uses little technology is vulnerable to the unpredictable changes in the weather. Lack of land ownership rights also undermines the small farmer’s ability to invest in land improvements and farm expansion. Unless these issues are remedied, smallholder farmers will remain in a poverty issue.


Ghana the country of progress and challenges 

     According to the World Health Organization, Ghana improves the  economic growth, the agriculture improvement helped cut the country’s poverty rate in half, from 52.6% to 21.4% between 1991 and 2012.(WHO, 2012) 
The  national poverty line in Ghana indicates the "Poverty Reduction  Progress and Challenges,” report, sustained poverty reduction requires a commitment to reducing inequality and improving access to opportunities for all citizens in addition to have the technology and finding employment opportunities for most of population in Ghana. Therefore; the poverty issue is not improved as expected in the country. 


      United Nations. (n.d.). Sustainable Development Goals: Ghana . Retrieved from 

      Poverty Reduction in Ghana : Progress and Challenges. World Bank, Washington, DC. © World Bank. License: CC By 3.0 IGO.

Sunday, October 20, 2019



         Uganda located in East Africa; the population of Uganda is about 30 million people. Uganda is same size of UK. Uganda was relatively independent from UK 1962.  The people of Uganda suffered from misrule of UK until 1986, left hundreds of thousands of its people dead and its economy severely damaged.
Poverty is considered one of the biggest issues in the country and is about 50% of the population is aged 14 years old or younger and life expectancy is around 54 years. 
         Uganda continues to be one of the poorest countries in the world with substandard health care, high rates of malnutrition and diseases such as malaria rampant, assisted by less than half of those living in Uganda having access to safe drinking water.
        The country is trying extremely hard to use all the sources to get ride of the poverty and use the available sources and population to get the country in outstanding level.   In about 80% of people in Uganda are engaged in agriculture where coffee, tea, cotton, tobacco and beef, these are the most agricultural sources and the most important products in the country. 
         The main products with coffee being the country's main export. Its other main exports are fish, tea, gold and cotton.
Furthermore, with all the important products and the usage of the of agricultural sources to get the country out of the poverty, but Uganda continues to be one of the poorest countries in the world with substandard health care, high rates of malnutrition.

             Recent events in Uganda ,  oil discoveries are likely to boost the economy further however Uganda borders on the newly established Republic of South Sudan and the potential for instability there particularly if north Sudan switches off South Sudan's oil pipelines that run through its territory make cause an influx of refugees in a country that that already provides shelter for 215,000 Sudan refugees alongside 28,000 refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo and a further 24,00 refugees from neighboring Rwanda.

      Uganda and sub-Saharan Africa are considered the most poorest countries in the world and below the Human Development Index explain the border line of poverty for these African Countries.



            Murcia, B. A. (2019, October 13). Uganda : How is the implementation of the sustainable       development goals is going in Uganda?

Monday, October 14, 2019


Blog #2

     The country is facing the poverty is "Sub- Saharan in Africa". The average of life expectancy in Sub- Saharan in Africa is very low, due to the nature of  life in the region.The poverty can be described as an absolute the level of income which may expressed that for individuals and families deemed to live in the poverty standard. Poverty is  considered serious issue in the country.  Sub Saharan in Africa has notices so many health issue such as AIDS, HIV and the rates of  mortality is always as high as in 2018 is considered three times higher than was expected. The poverty level in the Sub- Saharan is about 17.2 which is considered as high as any urban areas in the regions.
      Poverty can cause so many problems that may affect in to the society such as health issues like HIV/ AIDS are considered number one killer in the population of Saharan in Africa.
The main problem that is the majority in the region live in rural areas, due to the decline in agricultural in different level, the rural sectors of Sub-Saharan in Africa.
      The economic growth had witnessed lack of inequality in agricultural resources, which can be described as another main problem is that  most of lands are very dry which make it very hard to the farmers to grow food and take benefits from it.
       Employment  can not grantee any improvement of life standard. Nearly half of Sub- Saharan population are living below the international line of poverty. The issue has been address clearly  by the country.The development process is facing a serious challenge which can be described as poverty and inequality which can be measures through the time and comparison between other countries which is considered the priority issue in Saharan in Africa. 
      The US government along with UN and Social Protection System addressing the problem by trying very hard to reduce the ratio of poverty by collecting donations and volunteering to help the region. Furthermore; the number of people who living in extreme poverty are mainly in Sub-Saharan in Africa the region is struggling for many health and social issues.  Many of social conflicts can be reflected to the most of health issues that may affect mostly women and children.


Many Thanks!

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL 1 End poverty in all its forms everywhere

End poverty in all its forms everywhere

           The goal I have decided to choose is goal number one for sustainable development. The  10% from the world population  are still struggle from extreme from the poverty and meet the basic needs such as health and education and access to the water sanitation. The poverty can be described as an absolute level of income below which can be expressed that individual or family deemed to live in the poverty.
 The poverty is considered a issue in Sub-Saharan in Africa. 
          The poverty ratio in theses areas can be estimated  as 17.2 per-cent which is more that three times higher than urban  areas. In fact in 2018 8 per cent of employed workers have lived in extreme level of poverty that may affect in women and children. Therefor ; finding a job can not grantee a good living or decent living standard in the region . Poverty can cause so many problems may affect in the society such as unemployment, health diseases, disaster, social exclusion and to be less proactive in so many filed of life. 
          There is no directed resources to the country to achieve the main goal of "No Poverty" because even the employment can not grantee the a fulfill living that can fit the life necessity. This issue is considered one of the of the most priority in the country. The level of the economic growth may contribute directly to the create so many social conflicts, political and social tensions and drive the country to experience  a sever social conflict in the country.  
          The US government along with UN and Social Affair and Social Protection are  trying very hard to reduce the ratio of percentage poverty to the countries that been struggle from the poverty. The social protection systems help to prevent and to reduce the ratio of poverty. As been recorded in 2016. 55 per-cent which can be as many as 4 billion people was not covered by any social protection or any benefits across the nations which can be include 87 without coverage in Sub- Saharan in Africa.
